medSR Supply Chain Services Build Trust, Optimize Operations, and Drive Cost Savings
A regional healthcare center of excellence was severely struggling to adapt to the current Supply Chain landscape. Every facet of their business was affected by the constant back orders, patient safety affecting stock-outs, and diminishing supply chain skillsets. Leadership turnover created a vacuum for best practices, thus losing all trust from the clinical entities with the hospital. Multiple systems used ineffectively and without collaboration made gathering accurate data almost impossible.

“Post pandemic Supply Chain left our clinical team fending for themselves. The workarounds weren’t working great, but they’re all we had. What little engagement we had from Supply Chain manifested more resistance than progress.”
– Ron Philips, Chief Nursing Officer ETCH
“Supply Chain had zero leadership, zero clinical trust, and even fewer ways to bridge those gaps. This would have taken years for our current team to turn this around, if ever. We needed a solution.”
– Caryn Hawthorne, Finance Vice President ETCH
The medSR Supply Chain consulting team arrived at East Tennessee Children’s Hospital in March of 2022 and, by June, had completely revamped the ETCH Supply Chain. They had installed best practices for daily operations, purchasing, finance/AP, and GPO alignment. Streamlining the ERP, GHX, and Contract/Capital approval systems created significant data efficiency and information transparency.

“AP and Supply Chain staff have never been more in sync. We went from over 500 PO exceptions to under 30 in less than six months. This cleaned up our month-end process dramatically, allowing us to close faster and with greater confidence in the accuracy of our numbers.”
– Lesa Hawkins, Finance Controller ETCH
“AP and Supply Chain staff have never been more in sync.”
– Lesa Hawkins, Finance Controller ETCH


Executed over 100k in
cost savings initiatives
Built trust and confidence in the Supply Chain practices at all levels of leadership, in every area of the hospital
Implemented best practices around receiving and distribution
- Restructured purchasing services to best serve hospital needs
- Maximized GPO/ contract compliance
- Developed and implemented proactive backorder management strategy to eliminate patient impact
- Hardwired customer-focused culture with an emphasis on friendly, engaged interactions to build trust
- Drive Value Analysis and Capital Asset Management team integration
- Data-driven par and warehouse par level reset
- Vetted and Implemented new ERP system hospital-wide
- Structured Key Performance Indicators based on national Supply Chain benchmarks
- Comprehensively analyzed staffing matrix to ensure productivity measures are in sync
medSR offers a comprehensive Supply Chain solution that can work top to bottom revamping your healthcare system’s procurement practices. This solution can be customized to fit your systems individual needs whether you’re looking for cost savings, best practice implementation or a complete overhaul, the Supply Chain team at medSR can get you there.